Kia Motors Quick to Find Out What the Public Wants Post-Quarantine

June 12th, 2020 by

Kia Motors, and the Hyundai Motor Group overall, have been in talks of developing and producing purpose-built vehicles (PBVs) in the coming years. Although PBVs sound very interesting concepts, automated Chinese takeout delivery vans, revolutionary for the food truck industry, but also mobile hubs for social gatherings. However, after the pandemic, social distancing is still…

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Kia Motors Sells Large SUVs for Little Vacations

June 4th, 2020 by

The auto industry is picking itself up by the bootstraps and automakers are starting to get back to work, with Kia Motors charging forward like a warrior into battle. Even with the economy and many industries taking a hit during the Coronavirus pandemic, Kia Motors, surprisingly, didn’t do half bad during May 2020. As far…

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